The Landmine Monitor has seen photographic evidence of antipersonnel mines in the possession of frontline Myanmar Army units during every month of 2022 so far.
Pictured here, among other ordinance, outlined in red, are five MM1 fragmentation antipersonnel landmines, three MM2 blast antipersonnel landmines, and four MM6 non-detectable antipersonnel landmines, all produced by the Defence Products Industries of Myanmar, known by its acronym KaPaSa.

This picture is from weapons seized from Tatamadaw (Myanmar Army) Thay Baw Boe military camp, located in Myawaddy Township in Kayin State, on its border with Thailand. The camp was overrun by combined armed force of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the Karen National Defence Organization (KNDO), and People’s Defence Forces (PDF) on 18 May 2022.
See also: ‘KNLA Captures Strategic Camp From Myanmar Military Near Thai Border’, the Irrawaddy, 19 May 2022