UNICEF Myanmar, in support of the Mine Action Area of Responsibility, has been publishing an infographic on known Landmine/ERW incidents for the past few years.

In its latest Infographic covering known landmine incidents from January – June 2023, they cite a total of 556 casualties. This is 3 times as much as was known for the January – June 2022 time period, and 4 and a half time the January – June 2021 time period

Reading across all 3 reporting periods has shown a significant shift in where mines are being used, which to a certain extent mirrors the shifting location of armed conflicts in the country.

In January – June 2021 34% of casualties occurred in Shan State, by January-June 2022 50% were occurring in Shan State, but in January-June 2023 6% were reported to be in Shan State. However in 2021, no casualties were reported in Sagaing Region in 2022, 6% were reported there, and in 2023 40% are being reported there.

Between January and June 2023 the majority of victims continue being adult males (299) or adult females (144), followed by children of both genders (113).

The infographic does not differentiate between injuries or deaths caused by landmines and those caused by Explosive Remnants of War (ERW). The incidents are not comprehensive as their is no nationwide surveillance mechanism to determine the actual number of casualties in the country. The actual number is certainly much higher.

Further information

UNICEF Infographic Landmine/ERW Casualties January-June 2023

UNICEF Infographic Landmine/ERW Casualties January-June 2022

UNICEF Infographic Landmine/ERW Casualties January-June 2021