The United Nations Myanmar Information Management Unit (MIMU), in collaboration with the Landmine Monitor, has produced its 16th, annually updated map of townships with suspected contamination by antipersonnel landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW).
Last year, for the first time, contamination by antipersonnel landmines in all States and Regions except Naypyitaw. This year, for the first time, casualties due to landmines occured in every State and Region of Myanmar, except Naypyitaw.
The map is based on townships in which credible reports of antipersonnel landmine contamination, or contamination by ERW have been recorded by the Landmine Monitor from 1999 – 2024. The map also graphically indicates where known casualties were reported between January and December 2023, the most recent calendar year.
In a small chart in the corner a cumulative total of casualties between 2007 and 2023 are compiled to provide an understanding of the level of casualties in a particular state.